
STHREE, Birmingham

Sthree PLC is a leading international staffing company who provide specialist Contract and Permanent recruitment services in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) sector.

Location: Birmingham, UK
Size: 10,000 sq/ft
Duration: 8 Weeks
Sector: Recruitment

Our Approach

With a lease expiry approaching Sthree PLC had outgrown their previous Birmingham office which lacked the in-house facilities they needed to operate effectively.

We created a number of private meeting rooms each with a distinct ‘Birmingham’ twist to the interior including the famous Bullring centre, Bournville chocolate and all whilst ensuring the various brands housed within the 10’000 Sq. Ft floors felt a part of their environment.

Featuring a main reception and a breakout area on each floor it was key to the design development that each brand could contribute to the process and be given equal space allocation during the space planning of the scheme also. Meetings and workshops were hosted by MDC Group to ensure this was delivered and the client felt complete satisfaction during the process.

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